Modernism İn English Literature A Reader - Ali Güneş
Modernism İn English Literature A Reader - Ali Güneş
% 20 İndirim
  • Genel Özellikler
  • Baskı Tarihi
  • 2012
  • Baskı Sayısı
  • 1. Baskı
  • Sayfa Sayısı
  • 275
  • Ebat
  • 16x24
  • Cilt Tipi
  • --
Yayınevi Savaş Yayınevi
Satış Adedi 43
Stok Sayısı 457
Barkod 9786055343156
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Modernism İn English Literature A Reader - Ali Güneş

Ali Gunes
    Ali Gunes took his first degree in English language and literature at Hacettepe University, Ankara-Turkey, in 1991. Having worked for Turkish Telecommunication Network in Ankara for a while as a translator, he began his academic career as a Research Assistant at Kafkas University, Kars- Turkey, in July 1993.

    Ali Gunes completed his ‘Diploma in English Literature’ with ‘Distinction’ at Dundee University, Dundee-Scotland, UK, in 1994 with the thesis titled ‘The Use of Modern Symbols in Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse’. In the same year he started his PhD study at Dundee University and then moved to
Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool-England, with his supervisor. Ali Gunes earned his PhD degree in 1999 with the thesis titled ‘Virginia Woolf’s Conception of the Subject:
Modernist Fluidity or Romantic Visionary?’

    Ali Gunes worked for Kafkas University as an Assistant professor of English literature in the department of English language and literature not only as a founder of the department but also as the head of department and faculty member from 1999 to 2007. In September 2007, Ali Gunes started working for International University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo-Bosnia and Herzegovina as Associate Professor. First, he was the coordinator of English language and literature program and then Dean of Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences from March 2008 to January 2011. Later on, Ali Gunes was employed at Karabuk University, Karabuk Turkey, in September 2010, and now he is currently teaching English literature in the department of English Language and
literature at this university. He is also the head of the department of English language and Literature at Karabuk University. At the same time Ali Gunes continues to teach English literature as a visiting professor at International University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

    His research interest includes all areas and genres of English literature, literary criticism, and literary theory from Aristotle to the present, women’s studies, cultural and political studies. He is the author of Dark Fields of Civilization: a Cultural and Ideological Approach to the Issue of Women in the Novels of
Virginia Woolf published by Orient in 2007. He is also the coauthor of Medical Passages & Vocabulary published by Hacettepe-Tas in 2002. Moreover, he has published various articles and delivered conference papers both in Turkey and elsewhere on English language and literature.


This book is particularly written for the students who attend the department of English language and literature and study modernist English literature, especially modernist English fiction, in Turkey as well as in the non English speaking countries. During the first years of my teaching modernist English literature and modern English fiction, there were not many available reference sources and critical writings which would have helped my students understand properly what the causes were behind the emergence of literary modernism, what literary modernism was, what were the characteristics of modernist fiction and how modernist fiction differed greatly from the fiction of the previous centuries. In Turkey, I observed that the situation even became worse in the areas far away from the big cities due to the shortage of library facilities and critical writings, particularly on English literature, while there were teaching and learning materials for language teaching at universities.

  The development and spread of internet and its availability, together with the electronic data bases, libraries, e-books and articles, on the other hand, have availed the students in the department of English language and literature of the great opportunity to have access to literary sources and critical writings on English literature, and some students have really made use of this opportunity for their studies during undergraduate and graduate levels. However, I have witnessed that majority of the students have obviously been lost among the immensely scattered internet resources and thus collected only patchy information; they have tended to follow the ‘copy-pass’ method without understanding the essence of the subject and without analyzing particular literary texts, because core reading books and critical texts are usually far beyond their level of English and understanding. Another problem I have witnessed is that the critical writings are scattered and diverse, requiring too much reading to comprehend properly what literary modernism is, what modernist fiction is and what its characteristics are. In addition, many students also seem to find literature difficult, or many of them do not like it, or they are dispirited all due to the fact that their minds are very much occupied with the idea of being an English teacher in Turkey, which does not entail much reading of heavy literary texts. Hence, this book aims not only at bringing together scattered and diverse texts and information and introducing them to the students in the department of English language and literature, but also at simplifying and facilitating the understanding of modernist English literature and fiction in the departments of English language and literature across Turkey.

  In so doing, the book has the followings structure. In Chapter I, first, it discusses historically in detail important social, political, religious, philosophical, scientific, economic and cultural events and developments which visibly and radically altered the traditional world view of life and reality as well as the traditional conventions of novel-writing in the last quarter of the nineteenth century and early decades of the twentieth century. Chapter II of the book closely examines the characteristics of modernist English literature and fiction in comparison with the characteristics of the nineteenthcentur literature and fiction, which, I assume, will help many students understand modernist English literature and fiction through the study of its differences from the nineteenth-century literature and fiction. Then having studied these characteristics, students will be able to apply them easily to a typical modernist fiction, short story, play and poem. Chapter III examines James Joyce’s novel A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. In so doing, the chapter first gives a brief biography of James Joyce. Then it introduces students to his novels and finally looks at his art of writing. Later on, the chapter analyzes in detail A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man from various points of view in terms of its modernist qualities and perspectives. Chapter IV analyzes Virginia Woolf’s novel Mrs Dalloway for her new modernist art of writing through her use of memory and stream of consciousness technique, together with her criticism of patriarchy and war. Chapter V focuses upon Joseph Conrad’s novel Heart of Darkness as a modernist novel. In so doing, the chapter first gives a brief life of Joseph Conrad. Then it introduces students briefly to his literary works and finally looks at his modernist art of writing in the novel, along with his criticism of Western colonialism and imperialism in Africa.

  I hope that students in the departments of English language and literature will read and benefit from this book and information given in it.

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